Sunday morning worship service begins at 9:30 a.m.

Grade school children through adults gather in the auditorium for a time of singing and sharing. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated every other week.

All preschool children through kindergarten meet together in their classrooms for instruction and expression during the worship service.

Nursery is provided for little ones under 3 years of age.

Just before the message grade schoolers through 8th grade are dismissed to their classes.

The meeting lasts about an hour and half.

On most Sundays the Bible is taught verse-by-verse through one of its books. There are several reasons we do this:

  • It helps Christians see the flow of Scripture.
  • It is how the Bible was written.
  • It prevents the preacher from riding a “hobby horse.”
  • It keeps the preacher from focusing on certain needs and neglecting larger truth.
  • Christians can profit by seeing each book of the Bible as a whole.

We believe this style of preaching is the best way to assist believers in growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 3:18)