We wish to highlight different areas where our church is active in an aspect of missions or local outreach ministry. Some of these include:

James and Hannah Nilsen lead the Neighborhood Academy, a small, Christian, inner city school within their church, Neighborhood Fellowship in Indianapolis.

Ken & Tina Larson are Associate Field Directors for the Navigators and help bring leadership, focus, and alignment to all their field ministries. They supervise various Mission Directors, City Directors, and Ethnic Network Directors and serve on a Field Director Team of eight who bring leadership to the whole field.

Andy Foland is the Regional Director of the state of Indiana for Ratio Christi, a global movement that equips university students and faculty to give historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for following Jesus Christ.

Wheeler Mission Ministries is located in Downtown Indianapolis and is one of the oldest shelter and outreach ministries in the city. They serve the local community in multiple ways with a biblical foundation in leadership, compassion and discipleship. Our church has partnered with Wheeler by allowing them to place a donation barn behind the church building. It is open for donations 24/7, but they ask that donations are not given beyond what will fit in the barn. Donations that are left outside the barn or in the parking lot may become damaged or unusable.

Mission Team Leaders:
Jared Smith
Jeremy Wright

Oak Life Orphan Care Chapala Mexico is a ministry in central Mexico that trains other people and other orphan facilities to run Christ centered, equipped ministries to orphans.  We support their efforts in many ways, one of them being summer mission trips to Chapala, Mexico to work alongside of them at Love in Action orphanage.

We also wish to bring your attention to other ministries that our church has come to value in their service to the local and global Church. Some of these include:

Sheltering Wings provides emergency housing for women and children suffering from any form of domestic abuse. They build stable and independent lives through essential programs offered in a supportive and Christ-centered environment.

Life Centers is a pregnancy resource center based in Indianapolis which provides compassionate care to thousands of women facing unplanned pregnancies each year in Central Indiana.

A Heart for Korah exists to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ to the people of Ethiopia and primarily Korah through outreach programs designed to support families, economic means, Christian education, and community development.

The Voice of the Martyrs is a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian missions organization dedicated to serving persecuted believers worldwide through practical and spiritual assistance and leading other members of the body of Christ into fellowship with them. They have a free magazine subscription available that we highly recommend.

The Boaz Project exists to inspire and equip leaders to care for orphans. They help caring people like you obey Christ’s command to care for orphans by providing effective channels for your financial donations, skills, and prayers.