Location: this year it will be held at our church facility Speaker: Ken Larson of the Navigators speaking on Discipleship Who is welcome: 7th grade boys through adults Cost: FREE this year First session begins Friday night at 7pm we
International Day of Prayer Nov. 1st 6pm
Please come and join us for our focus on prayer for the International church. John Kelly will be leading our time of prayer and giving us information on the persecuted church around the world and the needs we can focus
Movie Night Youth Group this Sunday Oct. 18th
We are celebrating Fall Break with a movie night from 6-8pm This event is open to 7th-12th grade. Hope you can join us!! Pizza, drinks and other snacks provided so come hungry!!
Sunday Sept. 6th Live stream Service ONLY
We will have ONLY a live stream service this Sunday Sept. 6th. Enjoy your holiday weekend and we will resume in-person service on Sunday Sept. 13th.
GFC Services Update July 3
Here are the plans for the month of July: This Sunday is communion again. It will be like it was 2 weeks ago. There will be the normal cups with juice and the bread will be cut in bite sizeĀ portions
GFC Services Update April 1, 2020
At this time, we are suspending in-person church services indefinitely. Our first live stream went well last Sunday, and you can watch it now if you weren’t able to see it live. We will continue to live stream and post
GFC Giving During Coronavirus Pandemic
We’ve had some people ask how they can continue giving while our services are suspended. The order listed is not in order of preference. You can use any of these methods. Hand-mail a check: You are welcome to make a
GFC Services Cancelled for March 22, 2020
The elders have decided to cancel services again this Sunday. We are working on a solution to live-stream a sermon and/or some music starting March 29. We will keep you updated as we know more. Please reach out to one
Worship Services Cancelled Until March 29, 2020
Good Morning Everyone, The elders have been discussing the impact of Coronaviras on our church and how we should respond. Based on all available information, we’ve decided to cancel our Sunday morning services for two weeks. Our foremost concern is
Broomball Youth Group Event THIS Sunday March 1st
When: Sunday March 1st Time: 4pm-8:30pm (meet at the church) Cost: FREE; but bring money for dinner on the way home Who: Jr. and Sr. High teens and any adults who want to play (I mean help)