Please plan to join us to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord on Easter Sunday at 10am.
Easter Sunrise Service
Where: The Barn at Kennedy Farm in Lizton, IN When: 6:30am-7:30am All are welcome. We hope you can join us to bring in Easter Sunday with singing and fellowship. Our regular Easter Service will be at 10am at the church
Youth Group Bowling Night
When: Sunday April 2nd Time: 6-8pm Where: Brownsburg Bowl Who: Anyone who signed up Cost: $10 per bowler Food provided- pizza and pop
Broomball Youth Event Sat. March 4th
Jr. and Sr. high students and friends are welcome to attend our Broomball event. What is broomball? It is like hockey except you wear tennis shoes and use a “broom” stick to pass a ball around on the ice and
All Church Meal THIS Sunday Feb. 26th
Please plan to stay AFTER the service and enjoy a meal together. All are welcome. Soup, drinks, and tableware will be provided. If you can bring a salad or dessert that is welcome. Hope you can stay and join us
New Year’s Day service at 11am
We welcome you to join us to bring in the new year on Sunday January 1st. We will have a later start to the service and it will be 11am instead of our usual 9:30 start. We hope you can
Christmas Day service at 11am
Come join us on Christmas Day morning at 11am for a shortened one hour service to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ! There will be no Sunday School but the nursery will be open. We hope that you can take
Christmas Eve Service at 6pm
Please come and join us for our Christmas Eve Service at 6pm at the church. It is a candlelight service and we will be reading and singing through Handel’s Messiah. We hope that you can come and be encouraged and
Youth Lead Sunday Dec. 18th
This is our annual youth group lead Sunday Dec. 18th. The junior and senior high students serve the rest of the congregation on this Sunday each year and do all of the things necessary to run the service: greeters, snack
Gifts For Jesus Sunday Service Dec. 11th
This is a special once a year service where people from the congregation share gifts the Lord has blessed them with to bless the rest of the congregation through praising Him for those gifts. We have singing, playing of instruments,