Our annual men’s retreat is happening Nov. 17-19, 2017 Where: Camp Allendale, Trafalgar, IN Who: boys 7th grade – Adult men are welcome to come (teens need to be coming with an adult) Speaker: Todd Wilson – subject is marriage,
Fall Fun Sunday Oct. 8th 4pm-8pm
What: Fall Fun When: Sunday Oct. 8th from 4pm-8pm Where: 525 N. State St. Lizton, IN 46149 www.thebarnatkennedyfarm.com Activities: Bonfire, Hayrides, Best Dessert Contest, Games and Clogging Show Bring: this will be a pitch in so bring a dish of
Pastor Warren will be on Sabbatical
As most of you know Warren, our teaching pastor, will be on Sabbatical from Sept. 4th – Oct. 4th. Our youth pastor Jeremy Wright will be preaching for the 4 Sundays Warren is out. Please pray for Warren and Tillie
Youth group Skyzone Event Sunday Sept. 17th
Where: Skyzone in Plainfield When: Sunday Sept. 17 4pm-6pm Meet: at Skyzone Cost: $5 if you already have Skyzone socks, $7 if you don’t Who: Jr. and Sr. High and friends are welcome Skyzone medical waiver needs to be
Back-To-School Bash Sunday Aug. 27th
Our Back-to-School Bash is an extended youth group meeting that allows us to just blow off some steam and hang out together after the first few weeks of school have taken place. When: Sunday Aug. 27th Time: 4pm-8pm Cost: FREE
Kings Island, Tuesday July 11th Details
When: Tuesday July 11th Time: meet at the church 7:15am Return: approx. midnight Cost: $40 per ticket (make checks payable to “GFC” or bring EXACT cash) Other expenses: $30 will cover food for the day, but they can bring as
Mission Week Thanks to all who served
Thanks to everyone who served at Neighborhood Fellowship this summer. It was a joy to serve alongside each of you. Looking forward to our summer trip in 2018. Be praying about how you might get involved in our mission
Graduation Sunday May 21st
On Grad Sunday we will take time to honor our seniors who are graduating. Parents are welcome to join their seniors on the stage and share about their lives, and what they are doing next and how we can pray
All Church Garage Sale Saturday May 6th 7am-2pm
Annual All Church Garage Sale Time: 7am-2pm Date: Saturday May 6th Donate your items for the sale anytime the week of the sale starting Sunday April 30th – Thursday May 4th
Easter Egg Hunt immediately following our Easter Service
Any children 2yrs – 6th grade are welcome to participate in our Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by our youth group students. It will be immediately following our Easter Service over in the side yard of the church. Bags are provided