Hey grace family, please plan to stay and eat lunch after the church service together THIS Sunday April 19th. Our Deacons will be providing the main course, just bring a side dish or dessert and we are set to eat
Youth Group Bowling Night – THIS Sunday at 6pm
Hey teens we are meeting at Brownsburg Bowl for our bowling night from 6-8pm. Cost: $10 per person Look forward to our time together. Who is welcome: all who signed up
Mission Team Meeting Tonight at 7pm
Mission Team, don’t forget to attend our meeting tonight at 7pm.
Youth Group Bowling Night – Sign up NOW
When: Sunday April 12th Where: Brownsburg Bowl (provide own transportation to the bowling alley) Time: 6-8pm Cost: $10 per person Who: Jr. and Sr. high are welcome, friends too What is provided: shoes, 2 hours of bowling, pizza and drinks
Spring Break Youth group schedule and events
Youth Groupers, make sure you check out the Youth tab on our website for meeting schedules and event schedules over Spring Break. Enjoy the break and if you are bored and need something to do give me a call. I’m
Garage Sales First weekend of May
Remember to hold back any Spring cleaning items you may have for either of our 2 garage sales: 1. Adoption Fundraiser for the Nilsen Family – contact Mike or Judy Nilsen if you have items for their sale out at
Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday!
Remember that our Jr. High puts on an Easter Egg Hunt immediately following the service Easter Sunday for kids 6th grade and younger. Baskets for collecting eggs are provided, so just bring your kids out after the service for a
Registration Deadline THIS Sunday for Women’s Retreat
Ladies of GFC be sure to sign up for the women’s retreat that will be held April 10-11. The theme for the weekend “Designed by God.” Come and join the group for a great time of fellowship and teaching. See
Broomball Youth Event – Deadline is Sunday to sign up
Deadline is THIS Sunday March 1st to sign up for our Broomball event on Saturday March 7th. Hope you can hang out for the afternoon and enjoy a great game with the youth group.
Registrations for Ladies Retreat are available
Ladies of Grace, the women’s retreat registrations will be available starting this Sunday March 1st in the Lobby. Please make sure to get your registration and fill it out soon, so the camp doesn’t fill up. Hope you can join